
Regional AREDN and Digital Services Updates

Thursday, February 23, 2023

General and Regional AREDN news:

If you have a 2 GHz node, check to see if you are using the BroadbandHamnet SSID. If so, you may have noticed a reduced number of nodes or had issues connecting. The critical regional Saddleback node's 2 GHz equipment was switched to the AREDN SSID, harmonizing it with the 3 and 5 GHz SSIDs. I recommend switching all 2 GHz equipment intended for use on the regional network to use the AREDN SSID.

Additional devices are having AREDN firmware developed for them. Firmware for these devices is currently available in the nightly build section of the site ( , and I expect stable releases for new devices to be released with the next stable firmware update, which I anticipate being available within the next 2 months or so. I'm currently evaluating a Mikrotic hAP AC3  

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